vineri, 23 octombrie 2015

Lista Servere Counter-Strike 1.6

Lista Servere Counter-Strike 1.6

Cum scap de lag la cs

Tutorial: Cum scapi de lag la cs in general   Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:17 pm
1. Setari din Windows
press ok Start - run - si scriem gpedit.msc
Sub "Computer configuration"
Dam dublu click pe "Administrative templates"
Dam dublu click pe "Network"
Selectam"QoS Packet Scheduler" in partea din stanga
In dreapta dublu click pe"limit reservable bandwidth"
Bifam optiunea "enabled"
Unde scrie "Bandwidth limit %" Schimbam in 0-- Click apply, OK, iesim din gpedit.msc
Restart la calc, si cam atat.

2.Setari din Task Manager
-deschidem cs si il micsoram in bara
-start ->run si scriem taskmgr.exe si dam enter
- in ferestara deschisa dam click pe Processes, click dreapta pe hl.exe ->set priority-> High sau Abovenormal (Real TIme e doar pentru cei cu Dual Core si oricum nu e prea recomandata)

3. Setari din Joc
- Deschidem Consola cs prin tasta ` (cea de sub ESC)
- scriem urmatoarele valori (dupa fiecare linie apasati enter)

rate 25000
cl_updaterate 50
cl_cmdrate 50
fps_max 100
fps_modem 100
net_graph 3 (ulterior putem dezactiva aceasta ultima optiune prin a scrie net_graph 0)

Intram pe un server cat de cat populat si ne uitam la graficul care apare in dreapta jos.
Ideea este de a reduce valorile Loss si Choke la 0
LOSS - influentat de cl_updaterate
CHOKE - influentat de cl_cmdrate

Daca avem loss, scadem valoarea comenzii cl_updaterate. (cu cate 5, pana ajungem la valoarea dorita)
Daca avem choke, scadem valoarea comenzii cl_cmdrate. (cu cate 5, pana ajungem la valoarea dorita)
Daca avem loss si choke, incercam sa miscoram rate-ul.

E preferabil sa incercam sa gasim mai intai setarile optimale pt cl_updaterate si cl_cmdrate inainte de a schimba rate-ul.
De retinut e ca debia la 5-10 secunde vedem rezultatele schimbarii unei valori.

Odata gasite valorile, le salvam in config.cfg, sau in userconfig.cfg, sau in configul personal (daca il executam de fiecare data cand jucam)

DOnE! Sper sa va fie de ajutor

comenzi admin samp

Aici gasiti toate comenzile pt SAMP :
Pt cei care au level 2 pot folosii comenzi si de la level 1
Pt cei care au level 3 pot folosii comenzi de la level 2 si 1
Pt cei care au level 4 pot folosii comenzi de la level 3 si 2 si 1
Pt cei care au level 5 pot folosii comenzi de la level 4 si 3 si 2 si 1

Pt cei carenu au niciun level (level 0 ) au urmatoarele comenzi:
/SF , /LV , /LS

Pt cei care au level 1 au urmatoarele comenzi:

/SB 1 , /SB 2 , /SB 3

Pt cei care au level 2 au urmatoarele comenzi:


Pt cei care au level 3 au urmatoarele comenzi:


Pt cei care au level 4 au urmatoarele comenzi:


Pt cei care au level 5 au urmatoarele comenzi:


cum sa aveti 100 fps

Asa va voi arata cum sa aveti 800 fps sau chiar 900
deci facem o setare in placa video dam pe destkop click dreapta-->>dupaia settings-->>>ne ducem la placa video (atentie numai placile Nivida Getforce Pot avea) ne ducem performance & Quility Settings sh ne ducem la vertycal sync si o sa fie aplicat application controlled il dezbifam si setam OFF!!
cand intram in cs scriem in consola urmatoarele setari...
fastsprites "0"
fps_max "100"
fps_modem "0"
net_graph "3"
net_graphpos "2"
graphheight "450"
net_scale "5"

Tutoriale pt incepatori!

Tutoriale cs:Sunt incepator

.Bine ati venit la sectiunea:Tutoriale...Daca sunteti un jucator nou puteti citi tutorial 1.

Tutorial1:Pentru a cumpara arme apasati tasta "b".
Pentru inceput ar fi mai bine daca ai juca cu boti la easy
Daca ai 800 de dolari la inceput iti poti cumpara orice tip de pistol din sectia:"pistols".
Cea mai recomandata arma pentru incepatori ar fi Night Hawk.
Este fabricata in Israel si poate face un damage mare.
Ca sa te misti folosesti tastele:up arrow,left arrow,right arrow.De preferat sa folosesti:w,a s,d.
Daca esti la terorist si esti incepator incearca sa eviti arma:Cv-47.Dece sa o evit??:pentru ca cv ul trage putin mai ciudat ) adica zboara jos sus dreapta stanga adica trebuie sa ai 1 saptamana experienta de cs sa joci cu Cv-47 .
Deci asta este tot pentru incepatori ne mai intalnim .

joi, 22 octombrie 2015

Counter-strike 1.6 free

Download Counter-Strike 1.6 gratis

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Procesor1 GHz 
Memorie Ram128 MB 
Placa Video32 MB 
Spatiu pe Hard1 GB 

Download Counter-Strike 1.6 free

Download cs 1.6 gratuit si vei incepe o noua aventura cu misiuni pe hartile din counter-strike 1.6, termina obiectivele si cumpara arme noi.

Comenzi admin cs

----- AMX Mod X Help: Commands -----

2: amx_addban <"authid" or ip> <minutes> [reason]
3: amx_alltalk [1 = ON | 0 = OFF]
4: amx_alltalk (1|0) - Turns alltalk on or off, if no arg passed tells if on or off
5: amx_armor <nick, #userid, authid or @team> <armor to give>
6: amx_autobalance <0 | 1>
7: amx_badaim <player> <On/off or length of time: 1|0|time> <Save?: 1|0>: Turn on/off bad aim on a player.
8: amx_ban <name or #userid> <minutes> [reason]
9: amx_ban2 <#name/userid> <#time>
10: amx_banip <name or #userid> <minutes> [reason]
11: amx_banmenu - displays ban menu
12: amx_beat <nick | steam> <number of slaps> - Slaps person that many times!
13: amx_beatall <number of slaps> - Slaps everyone that many times!
14: amx_beatteam <team number | name> <number of slaps> - Slaps team that many times!
15: amx_bury <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
16: amx_bury <nick | steam> - Burys one client
17: amx_buryall Burys everyone on server
18: amx_buryteam <team number | name> - Burys everyone on a team
19: amx_cancelvote - cancels last vote
20: amx_cfg <filename>
21: amx_cfgmenu - displays configs menu
22: amx_chat <message> - sends message to admins
23: amx_clcmdmenu - displays client cmds menu
24: amx_cmdmenu - displays commands menu
25: amx_csay <color> <message> - sends center hud message to all players
26: amx_ct <target>
27: amx_cvar <cvar> [value]
28: amx_cvarmenu - displays cvars menu
29: amx_disarm <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
30: amx_drug <@all, @team, nick, #userid, authid or @team>
31: amx_exec <nick or @team> <command>
32: amx_exec <nick | steam> <command> - This will execute a command on the clients machine
33: amx_execall <command> - This will execute a command on all the clients machine
34: amx_execteam <team number | name> <command> - This will execute a command on all the clients machine of team
35: amx_extend <added time to extend> : ex. 5, if you want to extend it five more minutes.
36: amx_fire <nick, #userid or authid>
37: amx_flash <nick, #userid, authid or @team> - Flashes player(s)
38: amx_forcechasecam <0 | 1 | 2>
39: amx_fraglimit <fraglimit>
40: amx_freezetime <seconds>
41: amx_friendlyfire <0 | 1>
42: amx_gag <nick, #userid or authid> <a|b|c> <time> - Flags: a = Normal Chat | b = Team Chat | c = Voicecomm
43: amx_gag <nick | steam> - We can gag a player using this command
44: amx_givemoney <nick, #userid or authid> <amount> - gives specified player money
45: amx_glow <nick, #userid, authid, or @team/@all> <color> (or) <rrr> <ggg> <bbb> <aaa> -- lasts 1 round
46: amx_glow2 <nick, #userid, authid, or @team/@all> <color> (or) <rrr> <ggg> <bbb> <aaa> -- lasts forever
47: amx_glowcolors shows a list of colors for amx_glow and amx_glow2
48: amx_god <nick | steam> - Sets a player to god mode
49: amx_godall - Sets all players to god mode
50: amx_godmode <nick, #userid or @team> [0|1|2] - 0=OFF 1=ON 2=ON + ON EACH ROUND
51: amx_godteam <team number | name> - Sets player on team to god mode
52: amx_gravity <gravity #>
53: amx_gravity <gravity>
54: amx_heal <nick, #userid, authid or @team> <HP to give>
55: amx_heal <nick | steam> (amount) - Heals a player to the amount or fully
56: amx_help <page> [nr of cmds (only for server)] - displays this help
57: amx_hostname <hostname>
58: amx_hostname <hostname> - This will let an admin change the name of the server
59: amx_hpk - configurreaza plugin-ul high_ping_kicker
60: amx_ip < jucator , @ECHIPA , *>
61: amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason]
62: amx_kickmenu - displays kick menu
63: amx_langmenu
64: amx_last - list the last few disconnected clients info
65: amx_leave <tag> [tag] [tag] [tag]
66: amx_limitteams <limitteams>
67: amx_listmaps This will list all the maps in the map ini
68: amx_llama <nick | steam> - We can make a lama out of a player using this command
69: amx_lock - <CT/T/Auto/Spec> - Locks selected team
70: amx_map <mapname>
71: amx_mapmenu - displays changelevel menu
72: amx_maxrounds <rounds>
73: amx_menu - displays menus available to client
74: amx_modules
75: amx_nick <name or #userid> <new nick>
76: amx_noclip <nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1|2] - 0=OFF 1=ON 2=ON + ON EACH ROUND
77: amx_noclip <nick | steam> - Sets a player to no clip mode
78: amx_noclipall - Sets all players to no clip mode
79: amx_noclipteam <team number | name> - Sets team to no clip mode
80: amx_nopass - Removes the server password
81: amx_nopass - remove server password
82: amx_off - pauses some plugins
83: amx_on - unpauses some plugins
84: amx_pass <server password> - Sets the server password
85: amx_pass <password>
86: amx_password (password) - Will set the password on the server, to remove call with no arguments.
87: amx_pause - pause or unpause the game
88: amx_pausecfg - list commands for pause/unpause management
89: amx_pausecfgmenu - pause/unpause plugins with menu
90: amx_pig <nick | steam> - Screw up bad people
91: amx_plugins
92: amx_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message
93: amx_quit <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
94: amx_quit <nick | steam> - Will quit assholes to the desktop
95: amx_rcon <command line>
96: amx_reloadadmins
97: amx_restart <seconds>
98: amx_restartround <seconds>
99: amx_restmenu - displays weapons restriction menu
100: amx_restrict - displays help for weapons restriction
101: amx_revive <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
102: amx_rocket <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
103: amx_say <message> - sends message to all players
104: amx_setlang <language>
105: amx_showip *
106: amx_showrcon <command line>
107: amx_shutdown - Shuts Down Server/Reconnect Players
108: amx_shutup <nick | steam> - Will shut up loudmouth ppl
109: amx_slap <name or #userid> [power]
110: amx_slap <nick | steam> - Slaps one client
111: amx_slapall Slaps everyone on map
112: amx_slapdmg <value> - Sets slap damage
113: amx_slapmenu - displays slap/slay menu
114: amx_slapteam <team number | name> - Slaps everyone on a team
115: amx_slay <name or #userid>
116: amx_slay <nick | steam> - Slays an individual
117: amx_slay2 <nick, #userid, authid or @team> [1-Lightning|2-Blood|3-Explode]
118: amx_slayall Slays everyone on the server including admins and caller
119: amx_slayteam <team number | name> - Slays the whole team
120: amx_speechmenu - displays speech menu
121: amx_speed <nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1] -- gives/takes turbo running
122: amx_spglow 1 = turn on glow, 0 =turn off glow
123: amx_spmessage 1 = Turn Spawn Protection Message on , 0 = Turn Spawn Protection message off
124: amx_spshellthickness 1 through 100 to set Glow Shellthickness
125: amx_sptime 1 through 10 to set Spawn Protection time
126: amx_ss <idsteam, nick sau #userid> <nr. de poze>
127: amx_ssay <msg>
128: amx_stack <nick, #userid or authid> [0|1|2]
129: amx_startmoney <money>
130: amx_statscfg - displays help for stats configuration
131: amx_statscfgmenu - displays stats configuration menu
132: amx_status - Shows a detailed list of info on players
133: amx_status - This will show you a list of info on each person kinda like the status but more detailed
134: amx_swap - <name 1> <name 2> Swaps two players with eachother
135: amx_t <target>
136: amx_takemoney <nick, #userid or authid> <amount> - takes specified player money
137: amx_team - <name> <CT/T/Spec> Transfers that player to the specified team
138: amx_teammenu - displays team menu
139: amx_teamswap - Swaps two teams with eachother
140: amx_teleport <nick, #userid or authid> [x] [y] [z]
141: amx_teleportmenu - displays teleport menu
142: amx_timelimit <minutes>
143: amx_timelimit <time> - Resets the time limit, it must be more than we have been playing for
144: amx_tkpunish <0 | 1>
145: amx_transfer - <name> <CT/T/Spec> Transfers that player to the specified team
146: amx_tsay <color> <message> - sends left side hud message to all players
147: amx_uberslap <nick, #userid or authid>
148: amx_unammo <nick, #userid or @team> [0|1] - 0=OFF 1=ON
149: amx_unban <"authid" or ip>
150: amx_unbury <nick, #userid, authid or @team>
151: amx_unbury <nick | steam> - Un-Burys one client
152: amx_unburyall Un-Burys everyone on server
153: amx_unburyteam <team number | name> -Un- Burys everyone on a team
154: amx_ungag <nick, #userid or authid>
155: amx_ungag <nick | steam> - We can ungag a player using this command
156: amx_unllama <nick | steam> - We can unlama a player using this command
157: amx_unlock - <CT/T/Auto/Spec> - Unlocks selected team
158: amx_unpig <nick | steam> - Un screw bad people
159: amx_unshutup <nick | steam> - Will un-shut up loudmouth ppl
160: amx_userorigin <nick, #userid or authid
161: amx_vote <question> <answer#1> <answer#2>
162: amx_voteban <name or #userid>
163: amx_votekick <name or #userid>
164: amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map]
165: amx_votemapmenu - displays votemap menu
166: amx_weapon <nick, #userid, authid or @team> <weapon #>
167: amx_who - displays who is on server
168: amx_winlimit <score>
169: amxmodmenu - displays menus
170: say @[@|@|@][w|r|g|b|y|m|c]<text> - displays hud message
171: say /hp - display info. about your killer (chat)
172: say /me - display current round stats (chat)
173: say /rank - display your rank (chat)
174: say /rankstats - display your server stats (MOTD)
175: say /report - display weapon status (say_team)
176: say /score - display last score (chat)
177: say /stats - display players stats (menu/MOTD)
178: say /statsme - display your stats (MOTD)
179: say /switch - switch client's stats on or off
180: say /top15 - display top 15 players (MOTD)
181: say currentmap - display current map
182: say ff - display friendly fire status
183: say nextmap - displays nextmap
184: say thetime - displays current time
185: say timeleft - displays timeleft
186: say_team @<text> - displays message to admins
187: say_team /hp - display info. about your killer (chat)
188: say_team /me - display current round stats (chat)
189: say_team /rank - display your rank (chat)
190: say_team /rankstats - display your server stats (MOTD)
191: say_team /report - display weapon status (say_team_team)
192: say_team /score - display last score (chat)
193: say_team /stats - display players stats (menu/MOTD)
194: say_team /statsme - display your stats (MOTD)
195: say_team /switch - switch client's stats on or off
196: say_team /top15 - display top 15 players (MOTD)

Adauga Serverul La favorite, Servere Cs, admin free, vip free, amx_who,